How to make your Shopify product list beautiful (No-code)

Dia Choo's avatar
May 31, 2024
How to make your Shopify product list beautiful (No-code)
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List Designer

List Designer is a service inspired by Temu that allows you to showcase social proof and FOMO elements for each product in your product listings, enticing customers to make a purchase.
With List Designer, you can display the following Social Proof and FOMO elements:
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  • Badges for each product (New, Best, Top Reviewed, Discount rates)
  • Original and discounted prices
  • Remaining stock quantity
  • Number of reviews and average rating
  • Sales volume
  • View count
  • Real-time purchase activity
  • Real-time review activity
You can easily customize the display of these elements by directly deciding which ones to show.
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To use List Designer, simply designate the products you want to feature in the widget, set the elements you want to display for each product, adjust the design, and quickly add it to your store without any coding required.
You can see how the widget actually looks in the area labeled 'Alpha+ List Designer Widget' on this page.
Click here to see user guide of List Designer.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to email us at

Try AlphaReview for free by downloading it from Shopify App Store

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